Mobile File Transfers Workflow
- Mobile File Transfer option is not available for all users and must be purchased and configured in order to be utilized.
- The basic concept of utilizing the Mobile File Transfers feature allows for a ProCal user to export a mobile database or any file to DeviceSync. Once the file is in DeviceSync, you will be able to download the file to a location that is either local to your computer or a mapped network drive. Once the file is present in the specified location, you will do the work needed regarding the file; once complete you will want to Upload the datebase back to ProCalV5, through DeviceSync.
- The specific steps to complete this workflow process are listed below:
- The process of transferring files from ProCalV5 to DeviceSync starts one (1) of two (2) different ways.
- The first option is the "Send File via DeviceSync" in the Tools menu.
- Upon selecting the "Send File via DeviceSync" option, an additional screen will open that will allow you to select a File, followed by selecting either a single ProCalV5 user or more than one. To select a user, check the checkbox next to the users name.
- In order to receive the selected file, the selected user must have DeviceSync login credentials.
- Once the user(s) is selected, click the "All Users" button, which in turn will ask "Are you sure you want to send this file to the selected users?"
- By confirming YES to the warning, "File transfer to DeviceSync was successful" message appears.
- The process of transferring files from ProCalV5 to DeviceSync starts one (1) of two (2) different ways.
- The second option is the "Export Selected Items" in the Tools menu.
- When opening up the ProCalV5 Export screen, there is a section titled "DeviceSync", that defaults the drop-down to "Current User"
- ProCalV5 Export screen is designed to export the mobile database of ProCalV5.
- Additional information regarding Mobile and/or other options on this Export screen, refer to the ProCalV5 User Manual or contact our technical support staff at
- Once you have configured everything as you would like on the Export screen in regards to the Options, Users, and/or Work Orders/Tasks, select the Initiate Export button. Upon clicking the button the ProCalV5 Mobile database file (PCMobile58.mdb or PCMobile57.mdb for example) is created and saved to the file path specified.
- It is recommended to have the file path set to the same file path that is in the Agent Configuration file; this will prevent having to manually move the file or reconfigure the Import folder when in DeviceSync.
- If the exported database file does not exist, a message will appear asking to create the file. Once the export is complete, a confirmation message will appear, stating.....
- Once the files are successfully sent to DeviceSync, the File Transfers tab will begin to be populated.
- The File Transfers screen is split into two (2) sections, the top is titled the "Downloads Received" section and the bottom is titled "Upload File".
- When a file is downloaded to DeviceSync it will show the date and time the file was received as well as the filename and a hyperlink button to "Download File".
- Clicking the "Download File" button opens a file explorer screen which allows you to save the file locally or to a mapped network drive.
- After confirming the location the file will be saved to, a confirmation message will appear in the Messages section of DeviceSync, stating "File successfully downloaded to <file location>".
- After the file(s) have been downloaded and all work associated with the downloaded database(s) is complete, you will want to Upload the database file.
- Clicking the Choose File button opens another File Explorer screen. If needed, navigate to the location of the database you want to Upload. Upon selecting the file, the "Choose File" button turns into a percentage based progress bar; once the button hits 100% the file has been uploaded to the configured location.
- Two (2) messages appear in the Messages section when uploading files. The first message is stating the file has been selected and it shows the file path, in addition to the file that has been selected. This message is for "Beginning Upload".
- The second message appears once the upload is complete. The filename of the file gets changed once the file has been uploaded. The file gets changes to the DeviceSync Install Nickname, in addition to the date/time of the upload, as well as the original filename (Nickname/DateTime/Original Filename).
Settings/Enabling Mobile File Transfers
In order to enable Mobile File Transfers, a few things must be done first.
- Purchase the option via Prime Technologies Sales Team
- Update ProCal Agent Properties file with:
- Local and Network mapped drive locations.
- Import and Export file path locations.
- Update Default File Download Folder within the Settings of DeviceSync.
- Once all Configurations and Settings are in place, the workflow with Mobile File Transfers is available.