What if I forget my password?
- Launch PCX in a browser of your choosing. Click the Forgot Password? link on the Login page. Enter your email address. Check your email for further instructions.
How can I invite a user?
- Click Settings-->Administration-->User, then click the Invite User button. Enter the email address, full name and role of the person you'd like to invite. Click Send Invite to finish. See Invite a User section for more information.
How can I edit a user?
- Once logged in click Settings-->Administration-->User. Select the user with whom you would like to edit, which will display the Show User page. Click Edit. Edit the user, then click Update. Se Editing Users section for more information.
What do I do with the generated Agent Configurations?
- Once you have generated the Agent ID, Agent Queue, and Mediator Public Key, please inform whomever is performing the Agent installation. See Agent Software Installation
Where do I get my Agent Public Key configuration?
- Login by entering your email address and password. Click Login to continue. Select Settings-->Administration-->Agent link on the left hand side to display the agent configuration. See Agent Software Installation
How can I change my password?
- Click your name in the top right to open the User Profile. Click Change Password. You will need to enter your Current Password followed by your New Password and then Confirm New Password. Select Change button to complete process.
How do I logout?
- Click the Logout button in the top right corner.
How do I get to my profile?
- After logging in, click your name, which will open User Profile.
What does each role provide?
- The PCX application contains two roles. The Standard user role which allows the user to download DeviceSync and work within that organization. The Organizational Admin role allows the user to invite other users to their organization, to edit a user and assign a role.
What are ‘Result Transfer Failures’?
- A Result Transfer Failure is a failure to transmit the results from DeviceSync to ProCalV5. There are several reasons that transferring results may fail. One reason may be the agent configuration is incorrect. Another reason may be the message was corrupted during the transfer process or one of the application services may be down.
How can I change my language?
- After logging in, navigate to your user profile. Change your preferred language and click Update.
I invited a user and they did not verify their account within 48 hours, what can I do?
- Enter your Organizational URL in a browser of your choosing. Enter your login email address and password. Click Login to continue. Select Settings-->Administration-->User. Select the user to Show User details. Click Resend Verification.
What is an ‘Install Nickname’?
- The Install Nickname is the name given to the device on which the DeviceSync application was installed.
How can I tell how many Licensed Users have I used?
- Select Settings-->Administration-->Organization. This will display total number of licensed users versus licenses available. This will NOT show the individual usernames.
How can I tell when my PCX License will expire?
- Select Settings-->Administration-->Organization. There is a field called "Expiration Date".
Can I change my Organization Name?
- Select Settings-->Administration-->Organization. Select the "pen" option which turns into an editable
Why do I not see an option for "File Transfers" within DeviceSync?
- Feature must be purchased via Prime Technologies and the Prime Technologies technical support staff will assist in applying the additional "File Transfers" feature.