Editing Users

How to Edit a User

  • By default, only Organizational Admins can edit users. To edit a user:
  1. When logged into PCX, select Settings-->Administration.  This will provide Organization Details.
  2. Click the User option.  This will give a list of current users for this Organization.
  3. Select any part of the User that you would like to Edit.  This will present the Show User page.
  4. Click Edit, which presents the Edit User screen.
  5. Edit the user, then click Update.


Assigning a Role

By default, only Organizational Admins can assign a role. There are two ways to assign a role:

  1. When you invite a user to join the organization.
  2. You can edit the user role.


HINT:  An Organizational Admin cannot demote oneself to a Standard User, another Organizational Admin in the system must do so.



Edit your own Profile

By default, everyone can change the following in their profile: First and Last NamePreferred LanguagePassword, and Time Zone.

  1. Click the Name in the top right corner of the page to open the User Profile                                 
  2. Edit your user profile, then click Update, or
  3. Change your password, then click Change, or
  4. Download DeviceSync, click here to begin download.


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