How to Edit a User
- By default, only Organizational Admins can edit users. To edit a user:
- When logged into PCX, select Settings-->Administration. This will provide Organization Details.
- Click the User option. This will give a list of current users for this Organization.
- Select any part of the User that you would like to Edit. This will present the Show User page.
- Click Edit, which presents the Edit User screen.
- Edit the user, then click Update.
Assigning a Role
By default, only Organizational Admins can assign a role. There are two ways to assign a role:
- When you invite a user to join the organization.
- You can edit the user role.
HINT: An Organizational Admin cannot demote oneself to a Standard User, another Organizational Admin in the system must do so.
Edit your own Profile
By default, everyone can change the following in their profile: First and Last Name, Preferred Language, Password, and Time Zone.
- Click the Name in the top right corner of the page to open the User Profile
- Edit your user profile, then click Update, or
- Change your password, then click Change, or
- Download DeviceSync, click here to begin download.