Setting up the ODBC (32 bit)

This will describe the steps required to setup an ODBC connection to the ProCalV5 database. In this example, the test database will be a SQL Server DB named "PROCAL 58S". The database user will be "pcvSus0l". The newly created ODBC will be named "PROCAL58S". Any of the bold values could be different, depending upon your particular environment, however for most cases the above values should be fine.


  1. Select "Launch ODBC Data Source Administrator" from the Start button


Or, you can type “32” in the Search box

2.  Select "System DSN" and click "Add".

3.  Select "SQL Server" as the driver and click "Finish"

4. Enter "PROCAL58S" into the "Name" field. You may leave "Description" blank. Choose the appropriate SQL Server from the dropdown list and click "Next". NOTE: If the correct one does not appear, contact your DBA to remedy the problem. Click "Next".

5. Select "SQL Server" Authentication . Enter the database user and password that ProCalv5 will be using to connect to the database. In most cases this will be "pcvSus0l ". If your DBA has decided to employ another ID, you will have to obtain it. Click "Next".

6. Check “Change the default database to:” and select the name of the ProcalV5 database from the dropdown box. Click “Next”.

7. On this screen just click "Finish".

8. The ODBC has been created. Click "Test Data Source" to check it.


9. You now have a functional ODBC that provides connectivity to your test ProCalV5 environment.

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