ProCal Direct Password Reset

If you:

  • Have an expired password message
  • Have forgotten your ProCal Direct password

Use to reset your password.



  1. Choose "Reset Your Password"
  2. Enter the full user you are using for the Windows Virtual Desktop sign in
  3. Confirm the characters in the picture. You can use a refresh icon on the right of the field to get a new picture if it is unreadable. 
  4. Click Continue
  5. Next you should see a valid email address in the drop down message. Select one that can receive a message with the link to allow reset. Again confirm the pictured characters. Click Continue.
  6. Next you should see a confirmation screen
  7. Email will arrive from
  8. Select the link to open the next step.
  9. On the page that appears enter a New Password and Confirm it. See the rules that follow, and confirm the characters on screen again. Click Reset Password to save and confirm your password.


Problems? Email with details like your ProCal Direct user ID and Company Name, as well as a screenshot of whatever error messages or blocking steps you are receiving.

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