Selecting the Maintenance Requests option in the toolbar, opens the Maintenance Request List.
- All of the columns on the Maintenance Request list screen are able to be sorted by clicking on the column header. By clicking on the column header a second time will flip the sorting order. Sorting only sorts the records that are in view on the page.
- To see additional records, there are two methods. Firstly you can navigate to additional pages by selecting a page number in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- In addition to selecting a specific page, you also can add the number of records that are present per page. In the bottom left corner of the screen there is a total number of rows (records) as well as the current number of records per page.
- If you are searching for a specific maintenance request record, or a group of records, there is a "Search" bar that allows you to search any attribute that is part of a Maintenance Request.
- The "Search" bar searches ALL records, not just the records in view.
- As you type each letter or number within the search bar, the list of maintenance requests changes instantly to meet the criteria