Section 1
1.1 Test Types
ProCalV5 allows for the addition of different “Test Types” to the database that may be applied to any item master record whose required calibration does not fit perfectly into the typical ProCal template. Test types may be used to provide specific testing in addition to or instead of a standard calibration with target set points and as found/as left readings. Examples of some calibration test types that ProCalV5 normally could not accommodate efficiently are extreme values, linearity and standard deviation tests.
1.1.1 Set Up Test Type Packages screen
The Set Up Test Type Packages screen (shown in Figure 1) is used to add, modify and if necessary delete test type packages from the database. This screen is invoked by selecting the “Set Up Test Type Packages…” option on the File menu when the System Options and Defaults screen is open.
Figure 1
1.1.2 adding new Test Types
To add a new test type to your database you must first copy the required library file “TimerTest.bpl” into the folder labeled “bin” under the ProCal V5 directory (typically “C:\Program Files\Prime Technologies\ProCal V5\bin”) in Windows Explorer. The “TimerTest.bpl” file contains all the information necessary for the test type’s automatic and proper setup in ProCal. Once the file has been copied into the correct folder you may launch the Set Up Test Type Packages screen. Once the screen is open you may click the Add New Record button or select “New Record” from the screen’s File menu. This will invoke a browser screen titled Choose New Package File that automatically directs you to the “bin” folder in which all the “.bpl” files reside. Select the required file “TimerTest.bpl” and click the Open button or double-click the file name.
Once the correct file has been selected you will be returned to the new test type record which will already be set up for you. In this instance you can save the record, making it available for application to all types of item master records in the system (i.e. instruments, loops, systems, test instruments, in addition to any PM records that may require a calibration). Once a test type has been saved to the database, as long as it is marked as “Active”, it will be available for selection on the Test Type field’s drop-down list on the Calibration Points tab in all screens where that tab exists.
Although you will have no ability to change the test type’s calibration requirements, you do have the ability to make some customizations to it in terms of field label changes and also giving users the ability to edit target setpoints and such when entering calibrations using that test type. Please reference section 8 of the user manual for information on modifying test type packages once they have been imported into the database.
1.1.3 Distributing Test Types
Test Types only need to be installed in the System Option and Defaults screen once, but for all Client, Administrator, or Mobile Workstations, the “TimerTest.bpl” file must be present in the “bin” directory one level down from the ProCal V5 installation directory.
1.1.4 Entering Item Records Using the Timer Test, Test Type Package
When creating a new master record that uses the Timer Test Test Type, the test type must be applied to the record through the Calibration Points tab on the master record screen. Once a new group has been added to the record, click the Test Type drop-down list and select Timer Test from the available test types, as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2
Once the test type has been selected, the inputs will change according to the settings defined by the library file. This new Test Type Package for ProCalV5 will be available to the user to capture and automatically process and calculate time measurements to be compared with some target time on a Calibration record.. Multiple target points can be entered, and tolerance specifications can be made using the standard test methods. During Calibration entry, limits are calculated automatically. The master record interface is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
The test type inputs used in this test should be entered through the Group Options box, which can be accessed by clicking the Show Group Options button on the right side of the screen. This interface is shown in Figure 3.1.
The Test inputs are as follows:
The inputs appear for configuration on master record items, and some variables can be edited for entry on the calibration screen during calibration entry.
- Test Performed – if this field is set to ‘No’, no failure fields will be set regardless of other data entered. This acts as a test omission method if this is an optional part of your overall calibration.
- Target Point Unit – List contents “Minutes” “Seconds”. This indicates whether the Target values in the input column of the test point grid represent minutes or seconds.
- As Left Entered – List contents: “Yes” “No”; If No is selected, the As Left values are the same as the As Found.
Figure 3.1
1.1.5 Entering Calibration Records for Items That Use the Timer Test Test Type Package
Once a calibration has been created for a master item record that uses the Timer Test Test Type, the calibration data can be entered on the Test Results tab. The Calibration screen is shown in Figure 4 below. It should be noted that the required inputs must be entered on the master item record as detailed above.
Figure 4
Data for the test points may be modified on the Test Results screen, which can be viewed by clicking the Enter Data button on the left side of the screen. This interface is shown in Figure 4.1. It is shown in the context of the Calibration Screen below in Figure 4.2.
During Calibration entry, the Visual Prompt will contain a grid very similar to the test point grid, but instead of decimal values, the Target (Input) and Reading values will be formatted as minutes and seconds (MM:SS).
Figure 4.1
Each point’s Low and High limits will be calculated out in time format based on each point’s Stated Accuracy, Range Accuracy %, Reading Accuracy % and Plus/Minus column values.
The grid will have a column for As Found readings, to be captured in time format (MM:SS).
If “As Left Entered” equals “Yes”, the grid will also have an As Left column for time readings.
Only the As Found and As Left reading columns should allow data entry or modification. See Figure 4.1.
The form will contain 2 buttons:
- Apply – Sets all outputs on the calibration record. (Note this does not save the data to the database. Hitting the “Save” button on the calibration is required for this)
- Close – Closes the input form. If there have been modifications the user will be prompted if they want to “Apply” before closing.
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
- High and Low limits will be calculated in the same manner that the ProCal standard test does this, using the minutes or seconds value in the Target column and the other accuracy fields at each test point.
- All values are rounded to the nearest second, and then reformatted into the MM:SS format for viewing in the Visual Prompt.
- Values entered as MM:SS will be converted into fractional minutes and seconds and placed in the As Found and/or As Left columns of the test point grid.
1.1.6 Pass/Fail criteria
For the test point group to pass the following must be true:
As Found Failure
If the As Found reading for any point is outside of the low and high time limits, the test fails.
As Left Failure
If “As Left Entered” equals No, then this test passes. Otherwise if the As Left reading for any point is outside of the low and high time limits, the test fails.
If “Test Performed” is set to “No” both tests always pass.