Gage R+R

Gage R+R

Section 1


1.1 Test Types

ProCalV5 allows for the addition of different “Test Types” to the database that may be applied to any item master record whose required calibration does not fit perfectly into the typical ProCal template.  Test types may be used to provide specific testing in addition to or instead of a standard calibration with target set points and as found/as left readings.  Examples of some calibration test types that ProCalV5 normally could not accommodate efficiently are extreme values, linearity and standard deviation tests.

1.1.1 Setup Test Type Packages Screen

The Set Up Test Type Packages screen (shown in figure below) is used to add, modify and if necessary delete test type packages from the database.  This screen is invoked by selecting the “Set Up Test Type Packages…” option on the File menu when the System Options and Defaults screen is open.

1.1.2 Adding New Test Types

To add a new test type to your database you must first copy the required library file “GageRR.bpl” into the folder labeled “bin” under the ProCal V5 directory (typically “C:\Program Files\Prime Technologies\ProCal V5\bin”) in Windows Explorer.  The “GageRR.bpl” file contains all the information necessary for the test type’s automatic and proper setup in ProCal.  Once the file has been copied into the correct folder you may launch the Set Up Test Type Packages screen.  Once the screen is open you may click the Add New Record button or select “New Record” from the screen’s File menu.  This will invoke a browser screen titled Choose New Package File that automatically directs you to the “bin” folder in which all the “.bpl” files reside. Select the required file “GageRR.bpl” and click the Open button or double-click the file name.


Once the correct file has been selected you will be returned to the new test type record which will already be set up for you.  In this instance you can save the record, making it available for application to all types of item master records in the system (i.e. instruments, loops, systems, test instruments, in addition to any PM records that may require a calibration).  Once a test type has been saved to the database, as long as it is marked as “Active”, it will be available for selection on the Test Type field’s drop-down list on the Calibration Points tab in all screens where that tab exists.

1.1.3 General Info Tab

The General Info tab (shown in figure below) will show information about the Test Type Package. The only modifiable fields are the Visual Prompt Label and Visual Prompt Hint. The entry in the Visual Prompt Label field is the label that the Visual Prompt button will be given in the CALIBRATION screen.  The entry in the Visual Prompt Hint field displays the same information that will be shown in the yellow hint box that appears when you hold your mouse over the Visual Prompt button


1.1.4 Field Options

The Field Options tab (shown in the figure below) provides you with information regarding the appearance of and fields available on the Calibration Points tab in any master record where this Test Type has been selected.

1.1.5 Additional Inputs

The Additional Inputs tab (shown in the figure below) contain those input used to configure the Master item and can only be modified at the Master item screen.


    1. Pass/Fail Logic is a List Data type with the following values: “Always Pass” and “Fail if R&R % exceeds Max     R&R”. The default is “Always Pass”.

    2. Number of Operators is a List Data type. It must be 2 or 3. The default is 3.

    3. Number of Parts is a List Data type. It represents the number of parts tested. The value must be between     a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10. The default is 10. 

    4. Number of Trials is a List Data type. The number of trials for the test must be 2 or 3. The default is 3.

    5. The Max R&R Pct is the maximum percentage allowed for passing data. The default value is 10% with the     maximum value being 30.

    6. Total Dimension Tolerance is the total tolerance of the dimension to be evaluated. For example, if the         tolerance is +/- 0.15, enter 0.30. 

1.1.6 Distributing Test Types

Test Types only need to be installed in the System Option and Defaults screen once, but for all Client, Administrator, or Mobile Workstations, the “Gage R&RTest.bpl” file must be present in the “bin” directory one level down from the ProCal V5 installation directory.

1.1.7 Entering Item Records Using The Gage R+R Test Type Package

When creating a new master record that uses the Gage R&R Test Type, the test type must be applied to the record through the Calibration Points tab on the master record screen.  Once a new group has been added to the record, click the Test Type drop-down list and select Gage R&R Test from the available test types, as shown in figure below:

Once the test type has been selected, tabbing off of the field will change the inputs according to the settings defined by the library file. See the figure below. 

This test type package is designed to record Gage Calibration data. This new Test Type Package for ProCalV5 will be available to allow a Gage Repeatability (Equipment Variation) & Reproducibility (Appraiser Variation) test to be recorded on a Calibration record. This Test Type Package will use the Analysis of Variance Method (ANOVA)


Note – The “Calculate” & “Restore Defaults” buttons, although active, will not function with this Test Type Package.


Additional Test Type Inputs – These inputs appear for configuration on master record items and are accessible by clicking the “Show Group Options button”. 

See the figure below for the Group Options.

1.1.8 Entering Calibration Records For Items That Use The Gage R+R Test Type

Once a Master Record has been created for the Gage R&R Test Type, the calibration data can be entered on the Test Results tab of the Calibration screen. Data for the test points should be entered on the Test Results screen, which can be accessed by clicking the View / Enter Data button on the left side of the screen. This interface is shown in the figure on the next page.

On the first tab of a tabbed notebook, titled “Readings”, multiple grids will be displayed with the Operators (labeled A, B, C) and Trials (numbered 1 to # of Trials) on the left and the Parts (numbered 1 to # of Parts) on the top. The average readings and ranges for each part/operator combination will be displayed below the readings (after the last trial). The average readings for each operator/trial combination will be shown to the right of the last reading.

The form will also contain 2 buttons:


  • Apply Button – sets all outputs on the calibration record. (Note this does not save the data to the database. Hitting the “Save” button on the calibration is required for this)
  • Close – Closes the input form.  If there have been modifications the user will be prompted if they want to “Apply” before closing.


On a second tab, titled “Operators and Part Numbers” the user will be allowed to enter the Part Number(s) used in the test. There will also be a place for the operators to specify their names.



On a third tab, titled “Analysis and Acceptance”, the mathematical results of the R&R study will be displayed. Also on the third tab are the acceptance criteria. Two or three lines outlining the acceptance criteria will be displayed. For example, if the “Max R&R Pct” Test Input is set to 10%, then the lines will be displayed as follows:


Under 10% Error        Acceptable

10% to 30% Error       May be acceptable based upon importance of application

Over 30% Error           Unacceptable. Gage system needs improvement.


Note: If the “Max R&R Pct” Test Input is set to 30% then the middle line (e.g. 10% to 30% Error” will not be displayed. 


A Conclusion line will be on this tab. It will be set as follows:


If the test inputs have not all been entered the Conclusion line will state:

“Test is incomplete”

Else if the %R&R is less than or equal to the “Max R&R Pct” Test Input then the Conclusion line will state:

“Gage is approved for use”

Otherwise the Conclusion line will state:

“Gage system needs improvement”


Note: If the %R&R reading exceeds the “Max R&R Pct” Test Input then the font color for the Conclusion will be Red, otherwise it will be black


1. Operator Trial Averages-O.T = Sum(Readings for All Parts for each Operator’s Trial) / Number of Parts

2. Operator Part Averages-O.P = Sum(Readings for each Part and for each Operator across all Trials) / Number of Trials

3. Operator Part Ranges-O.P = Max(Readings for each Part and for each Operator across all Trials) – Min(Readings for each Part for each Operator across all Trials)

4. Operator Averages-O = Sum(All readings for each Operator, All Parts, All Trials) / (Number of Trials * Number of Parts)

5. Operator Range Averages-O = Sum(Each Operator’s Part Ranges) / Number of Parts

6. Part Averages-P = Sum(Each Part’s Readings for all Trials and all Operators) / (Number of Trials * Number of Operators)

7. Readings Average = Sum(All readings for all Operators, all Parts and all Trials) / (Number of Trials * Number of Parts * Number of Operators)

8. Part Averages Range = Max(Part Averages) – Min(Part Averages)

9. Total Range Average = Sum(Operator Range Averages) / Number of Operators

10. Operators Averages Range = Max(Operator Averages) – Min(Operators Averages)

11. UCLr = Total Range Average * D4

12. LCLr = Total Range Average * D3

13. Repeatability (EV) = Total Range Average * K1

14. % EV = (EV / Total Dimension Tolerance) * 100

15. Reproducibility (AV) = SQRT[ (Xdiff * K2)2 - (EV2 / (Number of Parts * Number of Trials))]

16. % AV = (AV / Total Dimension Tolerance) * 100

17. Repeatability & Reproducibility (R&R) = SQRT[ EV2 + AV2 ]

18 % GRR = (R&R / Total Dimension Tolerance) * 100

19. Part Variation (PV) = Rpart * K3

20. % PV = (PV / Total Dimension Tolerance) * 100

21. Total Variation = SQRT [R&R2 + PV2]


Pass/Fail Criteria


Test Group Fields:

If the “Pass/Fail Logic” Test Input is set to “Always Pass then

As Found Result: set to “Pass”

As Left Passed: set to “Pass”

Else if the %R&R is less than or equal to the “Max R&R Pct” Test Input then

As Found Result: set to “Pass”

As Left Passed: set to “Pass”


As Found Result: set to “Fail”

As Left Passed: set to “Fail”


In addition to the Pass/Fail of the test point group, the “Acceptance Result” test output will be displayed on the “Analysis and Acceptance” tab. One of three values will be displayed, as follows:

If any of the readings have not been entered then

“Test is Incomplete”

If the “% GR&R” is less than or equal to the “Max R&R %” then

“Gage is approved for use”

If the “%GR&R” is greater than the “Max R&R%” then

“Gage system needs improvement”



A completed calibration report will be designed to display the above information. Also, two graphs will be displayed. One will be the “Range Chart by Appraiser” and the second will be “Average Run Chart”.


Range Chart by Appraiser

X Axis: Parts

Y Axis: Measurement Range

Graph: A different color line for each appraiser that shows that appraiser’s readings range for each part.




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