Add a User Defined Variable (UDV)

Add a User Defined Variable (UDV)

This Solution will guide you through the steps to create User Defined Variables (UDVs).

From the Home screen select Tools → User Defined Variables. The User Defined Variables Window will then open.



Select the File Type that you would like to add a UDV to. For this example, we will be looking at the Calibration File Type. As the screen shot indicates, almost all screens in ProCalV5 can have a UDV added.


There are three ways to add a new record.

  • Select white page icon.
  • Select File → New Variable
  • Or the shortcut keys 'CTRL+N'

Note - Unless specified, all screen shots show the Multi-Language product ( and up)

Any of the above methods will create a Blank Line.


Description of the Columns:

  • Name - The value you enter here (Alpha/Numeric) will be the Name for this line item and what will be displayed on the screen. (Except for versions 5.8 and above, See 'Display Name' below)
  • Type - This column has a drop down where you get to choose what type of record it is. Below is an explanation of all the different choices you can choose from.
    • TEXT - Alpha Numeric. (35 Characters)
    • DECIMAL - Defaults to 2 Decimal places. (Example - 123.45)
    • INTEGER - Whole Numbers only. (Example 12345)
    • DATE - Date field that will use the current Date Format
    • LIST - Provides a predefined drop down list. Must select a List type from the third column “User-Defined List Type.”
    • FILE - a hyperlink to a file or website. (Files are not stored in the software.)
    • SIGNATURE - Provides a checkbox that when checked will record the User and a Time/Date stamp.
  • User Defined List Type - The User Defined List Type only applies to those that are designated a List in the second column. If you click the drop down and there are no results listed in the drop down, then you will have to set-up the User Defined list. (see Screen Shot #1 below)
    • Add a User-Defined List Type - To add a new List Type while on this screen, select File → Add List Type... (see Screen Shot #2 below) Add a Name as you would want it to be displayed on the 'User-Defined List Type' drop down. If you are using version 5.8 and up, you can optionally select the Locales button and enter different values for each Locales (see Screen Shot #3 below) 
  • Display Name & Locale - These two columns are for Multi-Language. See Screen Shot #4 below for the User Variable Definition screen without Multi-Language.
    • Display Name - For versions 5.8 and above, the Display Name will be what is displayed on the Master Record.
    • Locale - Selecting the 'Edit' button will allow you to enter a Display Name for each of your Locales.

When you have finished your entries, Save the record.

Screen Shot #1

Screen Shot #2

Screen Shot #3

Screen Shot #4



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