Load a Test Point Group from a different Record

Load a Test Point Group from a different Record

Below are the steps to follow to Copy an entire Test Point Group from a different record.

Navigate to the record that needs the copied Test Point Group


You do not have to select the "Add Group" button.

Go to Edit → Load Test Point Group From Item in order to bring up the Load calibration Specifications window.


In the window above there is two drop down boxes.  The first (Select Item Type) is where you will select one of the following: Instruments, Loops, Planned Maintenance, System, or Test Instruments. The second (Select Item Code) is where you will select the  Item ID. Only IDs for records that have at least one Group of Calibration points will be listed.


Once you have selected an Item Type and ID, select the Load Specs button to view the Group(s) If the record you have selected has more than one Group, you can use the navigation buttons, 'Previous Group' & 'Next Group' to load the correct Group. This feature will only Load One Group. If you need more than one Group, you will have to repeat. 

Note - You will Not be able to modify the Group(s) on the 'Load Calibration Specification' screen.


Once you have selected the Group you wish to Load, select the OK button. The screen will close and your record will have the new Group.



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