Export Records for a Mobile Workstation
Creating an Export
From the Home screen in ProCal, select Tools → Export Selected Items
This will open the Export screen.
If you saved your settings from the last Export, then your screen may differ from this one. This screenshot shows how the program will look upon the first time you open the Export screen.
The screen has 3 tabs:
- Options
- Users
- Items With Work Due
(This tab’s name will change to reflect the radio button chosen on the Options tab in the ‘Select’ section)
Options tab
Processing Options:
Clear Export Database Before Exporting Data
If this box is selected it will clear all data on the Mobile Database including Calibrations. Before checking this option it is strongly suggested that you perform an Import. Checking this option will also “Gray” out the Duplicate Record Options field.
Do Not Show Previously Exported Items
If this option is checked, then items that have already been Exported (but not Imported) will not be available for selection.
Number of Most Recent Calibration Records to Include With Exported Items
You can include past calibrations (Max 999 for each record) can be included in the Export. This can be helpful for techs so they can reference past records.
Note – It is recommended to limit the number of previous calibrations, to speed up the Export process.
Export All Equipment
Selecting Export All Equipment will allow all Equipment records from the Company’s database to be Exported. If not checked, only Equipment records associated with the master records that are Exported will be included.
Do not Export Change Control Records
If this box is checked then Active Change Control records will not be Exported, only the Production copy will be Exported.
Test Instruments:
No Test Instruments
Selecting this option will not Export any Test Instruments. This option is useful for Exporting additional records to a database that already contains Test Instruments.
All Test Instruments
Selecting this option will display all Test Instruments in the current Company and will include them in the Export.
By Query
Selecting this option will allow you to filter the Test Instruments by either applying an existing Query or building a New one. (Saved Queries created here, will also be available on the Test Instrument screen in the Main Database) The grid for the Test Instruments will now display checkboxes to either include or remove them from the Export.
By Responsibility
Selecting this option will allow for filtering on the following:
Instrument Owner
Responsible Technician
Note – Right click the grid for display options.
Select Options:
Open Work Orders
- Selecting this option will allow you to select Work Orders for Export. You will Not be able to select items within the Work Order, you will get all items associated with the Work Order.
By Work Due
- Selecting this option will allow you to filter by a due date and then select individual Items.
From Item Lists
- Selecting this option will give you the same results as “By Work Due” but will separate them into 3 columns: Instruments, Loops & Systems
By User Queries
- Selecting this will allow you to filter by existing Queries for each Item type or by creating a New ones for each item type.
By Responsibility (See screenshot below)
- Selecting this option will allow you to filter by the following:
- Department (Instrument Owner)
- Responsible Technician
- Due Date
- Open Requests (not applicable)
- Open Tasks (not applicable)
- Only Export Items With an Active Status
- Selecting this option will allow you to filter by the following:
User’s tab:
This tab allows you to add additional Users to the Export. You can also limit the Groups to Export to only Groups that the Users are a member of. In order to perform an Export, there must be at least one (1) User selected.
Note – Users that are Disabled will not appear in the list for selection.
Initiate Export
If this is your first Export or you have made changes to the settings on the first 2 tabs, you will be asked if you want to save your changes.