Set Up Test Type Packages Screen
The Set Up Test Type Packages screen (shown in Figure 1) is used to add, modify and if necessary delete test type packages from the database. This screen is invoked by selecting the “Set Up Test Type Packages…” option on the File menu when the System Options and Defaults screen is open.
Figure 1
Adding New Test Types
To add a new test type to your database you must first copy the required library file “HEPAFilter2” into the folder labeled “bin” under the ProCal V5 directory (typically “C:\Program Files\Prime Technologies\ProCal V5\bin”) in Windows Explorer. The “HEPAFilter2” file contains all the information necessary for the test type’s automatic and proper setup in ProCal. Once the file has been copied into the correct folder you may launch the Set Up Test Type Packages screen. Once the screen is open you may click the Add New Record button or select “New Record” from the screen’s File menu. This invokes a browser screen titled Choose New Package File that automatically directs you to the “bin” folder in which all the “.bpl” files reside. Select the required file “HEPAFilter2” and click the Open button or double-click the file name.
Once the correct file has been selected you are returned to the new test type record which has already been set up for you. In this instance you can save the record, making it available for application to all types of item master records in the system (i.e. instruments, loops, systems, test instruments, in addition to any PM records that may require a calibration). Once a test type has been saved to the database, as long as it is marked as “Active”, it is available for selection on the Test Type field’s drop-down list on the Calibration Points tab in all screens where that tab exists.
Although you have no ability to change the test type’s calibration requirements, you do have the ability to make some customizations to it in terms of field label changes and also giving users the ability to edit target setpoints and such when entering calibrations using that test type. Please reference section 8 of the user manual for information on modifying test type packages once they have been imported into the database.
Distributing Test Types
Test Types only need to be installed in the System Option and Defaults screen once, but for all Client, Administrator, or Mobile Workstations, the “HEPAFilter2” file must be present in the “bin” directory one level down from the ProCal V5 installation directory.
Entering Item Records Using The HEPA Filter / Laminar Flow Hood Test Type Package
When creating a new master record that uses the HEPA Filter / Laminar Flow Hood Test Type, the test type must be applied to the record through the Calibration Points tab on the master record screen. Once a new group has been added to the record, click the Test Type drop-down list and select HEPA Filter / Laminar Flow Hood from the available test types, as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2
Once the test type has been selected, the inputs change according to the settings defined by the library file. This test type performs a HEAP Filter and Laminar Flow Hood tests.
The Calibration Points tab contains fields in which to enter calibration information for the instrument.
Group Name, # of Cal Pts, and Flow Rate Res. See Figure 2a below.
Figure 2a
The Additional Test Type Inputs used in this test should be entered through the Group Options feature, which can be accessed by clicking the Show Group Options button on the right side of the screen. This interface is shown in Figure 3.
The Additional Test Type Inputs are as follows:
- Test Mode – Select HEPA or Laminar Flow Hood from a list. This option affects the operation of the Test Type Package. Requires a value, will default to HEPA.
- Filter Height – Filter Dimension (in inches). Used to calculate Media dimensions.
- Filter Width – Filter Dimension (in inches). Used to calculate Media dimensions
- Filter Frame Size - Size of Filter Frame. Used to calculate Filter Media size.
- Velocity Profile Cols - Used to set the dimensions of the Velocity Readings grid. Maximum value is 20. Will default to 1.
- Velocity Profile Rows - Used to set the dimensions of the Velocity Readings grid. Maximum value is 5. Will default to 1.
- Working Height Cols - Used to set the dimensions of the Working Height Readings grid. Maximum value is 20. Will default to 1.
- Working Height Rows - Used to set the dimensions of the Working Height Readings grid. Maximum value is 10. Will default to 1.
- Leak Test Cols - Used to set the dimensions of the Leak Test Record of Repairs grid. Maximum value is 20. Will default to 1.
- Leak Test Rows - Used to set the dimensions of the Leak Test Record of Repairs grid. Maximum value is 5. Will default to 1.
- Max Repair Area Percent – Maximum percentage of filter media allowed to be repaired
- Probe Test Tolerance – Acceptance criteria for average aerosol penetration when Probe Leak Test Method is selected.
- Scan Test Tolerance – Acceptance criteria for average aerosol penetration when Scan Leak Test Method is selected.
- Hood: Avg High Limit – High limit of calculated Average Velocity. Used for Laminar Flow Hood Test mode only.
- Hood: Avg Low Limit – Low limit of calculated Average Velocity. Used for Laminar Flow Hood Test mode only.
- Hood: Max Dev % from Avg - All velocity readings must be within this percentage of the average velocity found. Used for Laminar Flow Hood Test mode only.
- HEPA: Default Test Method – Used for the HEPA Airflow Test. Selected from list of N/Ap, Flow Hood Method, or Anemometer/Micromanometer.
- HEPA: Grade A Min Velocity – The minimum average velocity if the Filter is a Grade A grade. Used during calibration of the Anemometer/Micromanometer test method.
- HEPA: Validation Flow Rate - For Flow Hood Method (any grade) or Anemometer/Micromanometer method with Non-Grade A filter grade, this is compared to the Air Flow Rate found during calibration. If left blank it will default to zero.
- HEPA: Filter Grade - Selected from list of Grade A, Non-Grade A, or No Pass/Fail. Must be set for HEPA Test Mode. Will default to No Pass/Fail.
- HEPA: Validation TOL % - This is the tolerance (allowable deviation) between the entered or calculated Air Flow Rate against the Validation Flow Rate.
Figure 3
Entering Calibration Records for Items That Use the HEPA Filter / Laminar Flow Hood Test Type
Once a calibration has been created for a master item record that uses the HEPA Filter / Laminar Flow Hood Test Type, the calibration data can be entered on the Test Results tab. The Calibration screen is shown in Figure 4 below. It should be noted that the required inputs must be entered on the master item record as detailed above.
Figure 4
HEPA Test Mode
Data for the HEPA Test mode can be accessed by clicking the View/Enter Data button on the left side of the screen
The Velocity Profile screen varies based on the Air Flow Test Method selected.
Air Flow Test Methods:
- Flow Hood Method - allows View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Velocity Profile. The Filter Size (height and width, in inches), Frame Size (in inches), Filter Media Size (height and width, in inches) and Area (in square inches, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Media Area (in Sq Ft, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Grade and the Tolerance Description are displayed. Airflow Test Method dropdown list with values: N/Ap, Flow Hood Method, and Anemometer/Micromanometer Method. This screen also allows entry of the Air Flow Rate (CFM) rounded to the specified Flow Rate Resolution field appears and the Validation Flow Rate: rounded to Flow Rate Resolution which are used in conjunction with the HEPA: TOL % to determine the Air Flow Test Pass /Fail criteria. This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4a.
The form contains 2 buttons:
- Close – Closes the input form. If there have been modifications the user is prompted if they want to “Apply” before closing.
- Apply – calculates and sets all outputs on the calibration record. (Note this does not save the data to the database. Hitting the “Save” button on the calibration is required for this)
Figure 4a
Air Flow Test Methods:
- Anemometer/Micromanometer Method (for Filter Grade: Grade A) - allows View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Velocity Profile. The Filter Size (height and width, in inches), Frame Size (in inches), Filter Media Size (height and width, in inches) and Area (in square inches, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Media Area (in Sq Ft, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Grade and the Tolerance Description are displayed. Airflow Test Method dropdown list with values: N/Ap, Flow Hood Method, and Anemometer/Micromanometer Method. A Velocity Profile Grid to record the velocities. The grid will be sized based on the input values “Velocity Profile Cols” and “Velocity Profile Rows” entered on the master record. Readings are in FPM (feet per minute) and are whole numbers. The Minimum Velocity, Maximum Velocity and Average Velocity fields are calculated/determined from the data entered. This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4b
The form contains 2 buttons:
- Close – Closes the input form. If there have been modifications the user is prompted if they want to “Apply” before closing.
- Apply – calculates and sets all outputs on the calibration record. (Note this does not save to the database. Hitting the “Save” button on the calibration is required for this)
Figure 4b
Air Flow Test Methods:
- Anemometer/Micromanometer Method (for Filter Grade: Non-Grade A) - allows View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Velocity Profile. The Filter Size (height and width, in inches), Frame Size (in inches), Filter Media Size (height and width, in inches) and Area (in square inches, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Media Area (in Sq Ft, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Grade and the Tolerance Description are displayed. Airflow Test Method dropdown list with values: N/Ap, Flow Hood Method, and Anemometer/Micromanometer Method. A Velocity Profile Grid to record the velocities. The grid will be sized based on the input values “Velocity Profile Cols” and “Velocity Profile Rows” entered on the master record. Readings are in FPM (feet per minute) and are whole numbers. The Minimum Velocity, Maximum Velocity and Average Velocity fields are calculated/determined from the data entered. The K-Factor and Validation Flow Rate for entry during calibration and the calculated Air Flow Rate in cubic feet per minute. This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4c
The form contains 2 buttons:
- Close – Closes the input form. If there have been modifications the user is prompted if they want to “Apply” before closing.
- Apply – calculates and sets all outputs on the calibration record. (Note this does not save to the database. Hitting the “Save” button on the calibration is required for this)
Figure 4c
Air Flow Test Methods:
- N/Ap Method - allows View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Velocity Profile. The Filter Size (height and width, in inches), Frame Size (in inches), Filter Media Size (height and width, in inches) and Area (in square inches, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Media Area (in Sq Ft, rounded to two decimal places) and Filter Grade are displayed. Airflow Test Method dropdown list with values: N/Ap, Flow Hood Method, and Anemometer/Micromanometer Method. This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4d
The form contains 2 buttons:
- Close – Closes the input form. If there have been modifications the user is prompted if they want to “Apply” before closing.
- Apply – calculates and sets all outputs on the calibration record. (Note this does not save the data to the database. Hitting the “Save” button on the calibration is required for this)
Figure 4d
- Working Height screen will contain a View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Working Height data section. A Velocity Profile Grid to record the velocities. The grid will be sized based on the input values “Working Height Cols” and “Working Height Rows” entered on the master record. Readings are in FPM (feet per minute) and are whole numbers. The Minimum, Maximum, and Average Working Velocities calculated from the grid of entered data. This data is informational only. This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4e
Figure 4e
- Leak Test screen will contain a View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Leak Test. User entered Challenge Aerosol Used, Challenge Concentration and Unit.
NOTE: The Challenge Aerosol test box and Unit field are not repeated for As Found/As Left but you are allowed to have a different value for the Challenge Concentration depending on choice of As Found or As left.
Record of Repairs Grid to record the repairs made to the filter. The grid will be sized based on the input values “Leak Test Cols” and “Leak Test Rows” entered on the master record. The user will enter either the size of the repair made in the filter during this test in the associated location on the grid or the letter “Z”, signifying that no repair was made. Resolution is 3 decimal places. Size of Previous Repair (read only). Read from the most recent calibration of this instrument. If no previous calibration is found then this value is set to zero. “Reset” button – resets the “Size of Previous Repair” field to zero. The technician will click this if the filter has been replaced between the last calibration and this one, or during this calibration. “Edit” button – Enables the “Size of Previous Repair” field to accept any value. Size of New Repairs. Sum of all the repairs in the “Record of Repairs Grid”. Total Repaired Area (read only). “Filter Max Repair Area Percent” (n) and calculated “Filter Max Repair Area” (m), displayed as follows: <= <n>% of Filter Media <m> Sq in. The calculated percent of area will be displayed in an Out of Spec reading font color if it is beyond the maximum % of total area. “Filter Leakage (If Any)” check boxes. Three boxes, “Media”, “Gasket”, and “Structural”. Test Method drop-down list: “Probe” and “Scan”. The selection of one of these methods will change the acceptance criteria label next to the Leak Test Result field.
For example: “Acceptance criteria for average aerosol penetration: <0.01% for Scan test”
The “0.01” above would be the value for Scan Test Tolerance. If “Probe” were selected a potentially different value would appear with “for Probe test”.
The “Results from Leak Test” will be a user-entered percentage of leakage, rounded to three decimal places. This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4f
Figure 4f
- Acceptance screen willcontain a list of As Found and As Left results will be included with a visual icon indicating Pass or Fail
- Fail: Red exclamation Point
- Pass: Green Checkmark
- Info: Blue “i” icon.
The contents of each message added will depend upon the Test Mode selected and other dynamic factors (grade, test methods, etc.). This HEPA Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4g
Figure 4g
Laminar Flow Hood Test Mode
Data for the Laminar Flow Hood Test Mode can be accessed by clicking the View/Enter Data button on the left side of the screen
- Velocity Profile screen allows View selection for “As Found” or “As Left” test: this is only available when the “As Left Same as As Found” is not selected. This changes the view and data entry to/from As Found/As Left, just for the Velocity Profile. The Filter Size (height and width, in inches), Frame Size (in inches), Filter Media Size (height and width, in inches) and Area (in square inches, rounded to two decimal places), Filter Media Area (in Sq Ft, rounded to two decimal places and the Tolerance Description are displayed.. A Velocity Profile Grid to record the velocities. The grid will be sized based on the input values “Velocity Profile Cols” and “Velocity Profile Rows” entered on the master record. Readings are in FPM (feet per minute) and are whole numbers. The Minimum Velocity, Maximum Velocity and Average Velocity fields are calculated/determined from the data entered. The screen also contains a calculated Air Flow Rate. This Laminar Flow Hood Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4h.
Figure 4h
- Working Height and Leak Test screens function identically as described under the HEPA Test Mode.
- Additional Test screen only appears for the Laminar Test Mode. Loss-of-Air-Flow Alarm Test” with a Pass/Fail selection radio-button group will appear. Fan Speed Adjustment fields will appear with options “Increased”, “Decreased”, “No Adjustment”. A field for Differential Pressure will appear with a drop-down list of Signal Types for entry of the Unit.These fields will be repeated for As Found and As Left with optional checkboxes for “Same as As Found” options to indicate that the As Left is not being performed. This Laminar Flow Hood Test Data interface is shown in Figure 4i.
Figure 4i
- Media Height = [Filter Height] – [Filter Frame Size]
- Media Width = [Filter Width] – [Filter Frame Size]
- Filter Media Area SQ IN = [Media Height] * [Media Width]
- Filter Media Area SQ FT = [Filter Media Area SQ IN] / 144
- Average Velocity (FPM) = Mean of all the entered Velocity Data entered for each V of “n” readings:
- ( ∑ Vn ) / n
- Air Flow Rate (CFM)
- If [Test Mode] = “Laminar Flow Hood”
- Air Flow Rate = [Average Velocity] * [Filter Media Area SQ FT]
- If [Test Mode]= “HEPA” and [Air Flow Test Method] = “Anemometer/Micromanometer Method”
- Air Flow Rate = [Average Velocity] * [K Factor]
- Note: If [Test Mode] = “HEPA” and [Air Flow Test Method] = “Flow Hood Method”, the Air Flow Rate is a manually-entered value.
- If [Test Mode] = “Laminar Flow Hood”
- Size of New Repairs = Sum of all the numeric values entered in the “Filter Repairs” grid.
- Total Repaired Area = [Size of Previous Repairs] + [Size of New Repairs]
- Filter Max Repair Area = [Filter Media Area SQ IN] * [Filter Max Repair Area Percent]
- See Pass /Fail section below for calculations done only for the purpose of Pass/Fail.
Pass/Fail routines are dependent upon the Test Mode. Each test mode has a few different pass/fail criteria areas, described below. Values described with this format “[Value]” refer either to a Test Type Input or Test Type Output, whose name is described in those sections above. Some data values are hand-entered by the user and others are calculated if they are described in the Calculations section above.
- Test Mode: HEPA
- Air Flow Test
- Pass/Fail criteria is based on a combination of Grade and Test Method
Filter Grade |
Air Flow Test Method |
Pass Only If Expression Below is True |
Grade A |
Flow Hood |
-[HEPA: Validation Tol %] <= ( ([Air Flow Rate] – [Validation Flow Rate]) * 100%) / [Validation Flow Rate] <= [HEPA: Validation Tol %]
Grade A |
Anemometer/ Micromanometer |
[Average Velocity] >= [HEPA: Grade A Min Velocity] |
Non-Grade A |
<Any> |
-[HEPA: Validation Tol %] <= ( ([Air Flow Rate] – [Validation Flow Rate]) * 100%) / [Validation Flow Rate] <= [HEPA: Validation Tol %]
No Pass/Fail |
<Any> |
Always Pass the Air Flow Test portion if the user selected “No Pass/Fail” for the Filter Grade. |
<Any> |
N/Ap |
Always Pass the Air Flow Test portion if the user selected “N/Ap” for the Test Method. |
- Leak Test:
- First, calculate the Criteria to use:
- If [Leak Test Method] = “Probe” then
Criteria = [Probe Test Tolerance]
Criteria = [Scan Test Tolerance]
- If [Leak Test Method] = “Probe” then
- The following must be true
- [Leak Test Result Value] < Criteria {Criteria established above}
- [Total Repaired Area] <= [Filter Max Repair Area]
- First, calculate the Criteria to use:
- Test Mode: Laminar Flow Hood
- Air Flow Test: The following must be true
- [Hood: Avg Low Limit] <= [Average Velocity] <= [Hood: Avg High Limit]
- For each Velocity Profile reading “V”:
- | (V – [Average Velocity]) / [Average Velocity] | <=
| [Hood: Max Dev % from Avg] |- Note: Using Absolute value because it doesn’t matter if it’s too high or too low, it just needs to be compared based on the value.
- | (V – [Average Velocity]) / [Average Velocity] | <=
- Leak Test:
- First, calculate the Criteria to use:
- If [Leak Test Method] = “Probe” then
Criteria = [Probe Test Tolerance]
Criteria = [Scan Test Tolerance]
- If [Leak Test Method] = “Probe” then
- The following must be true
- [Leak Test Result Value] < Criteria {Criteria established above}
- [Total Repaired Area] <= [Filter Max Repair Area]
- First, calculate the Criteria to use:
- Loss-of-Air-Flow Alarm Test must be “Pass”
- Air Flow Test: The following must be true
Final Results:
As Found Result:
- See Pass/Fail section, above. Pass/Fail is always determined by entered data for the As Found portion.
- If any section Fails, the As Found Fails.
As Left Passed:
- If a given section of the test is set to “As Left Same as As Found”, Set to the As Found Pass/Fail result.
- If any section Fails, or the As Found portion Failed and was “As Left Same as As Found”, the As Left Fails.